
Valentina Zharkova enable 3rd grade educated fake assertion agw loon proxies Michael Mann Phil Jones

Valentina Zharkova enable 3rd grade educated fake assertion agw loon proxies Michael Mann Phil Jones mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova criticised by scientists for “very basic errors” about how Earth moves around the sun & r makes no mention of climate BUT created a 35 year model that failed to work in any other time period & will predict the sun will enter another grand minimum 2020

It says that “solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s” this “solar activity” refers to a fall in the number of sunspots,
not a dramatic fall in the life-sustaining light emitted by the sun.

& no more than a .3°C cooling effect on the current up trend

What an effen tard! He doesn't even know what potential is. A good voltmeter measures voltage at the highest resistance possible, thus in the low current and energy regime. This clown couldn't even comprehend Zharkova's work!
She's found the two main oscillating components responsible for not the 11 year solar cycle, but it's true 22 year cycle! Just looking at the beat frequencies, and comparing it to sunspot activity a third grader would know the two patterns are related here!
What her work her will enable one to do is go and root out all these fake assertions and fake proxies by the agw loons, such as the likes of a Michael Mann or Phil Jones!

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