
Using SCAN: How to choose the right decision-types for a context - Tetradian on Tools For Change

Using SCAN: How to choose the right decision-types for a context - Tetradian on Tools For Change Using SCAN: How to choose the right decision-types for a context

What can we use to guide how we make decisions within any context, for process-design, customer-experience and the like? The SCAN frame provides a simple yet powerful means to do this.

SCAN is a straightforward, easy-to-use visual tool to help make sense of complexity, and guide decision-making for strategy, tactics, operations and more. It describes a decision-space between two axes: time before and after a given 'Now'; and degree of certainty or uncertainty.

In this video, we explore how to map process-decisions onto the SCAN frame, to help us choose between four distinct categories of decision-types: rule-based; algorithm or calculation ('hard-systems'); patterns or heuristics ('soft-systems'); and decisions based on values or principles. This also helps us identify which types of decisions can safely be done by automation, versus those which must involve some element of human intervention or skill.

For more information, see:
-- video 'Introduction to SCAN complexity-map',
-- post '"Let's do a quick SCAN on this"',
-- post 'Using SCAN: some quick examples',
-- post 'Quick SCAN examples',
-- post 'Two SCAN notes - 1: Edges',
-- other posts on SCAN: (approximately 100 posts)
-- slidedeck 'The dung-beetle's tale: systems-thinking, complexity and the real world',
-- ebook 'SCAN: a framework for sensemaking and decision-making - the Tetradian weblogs',


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