
Joe Biden: Ban 9mm pistols just like we ban bazookas and machine guns

Joe Biden: Ban 9mm pistols just like we ban bazookas and machine guns #Biden2020 Gun Control

Five Days ago Joe Biden at a $2,800 per head fundraiser in Seattle, said: “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9-mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”

Wait a minute, wait just a minute, I thought Joe Biden was different, I thought Joe Biden only wants to ban the scary guns with the scary bullets, not my handguns and my hunting rifle.

How did Joe go from wanting to ban AR-15’s to now wanting to ban 9-mm Handguns? I’ll tell you how; he’s always wanted to ban them.

Joe Biden is no Hitler, but when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, he thinks JUST like Hitler. The only difference is Nazi Germany was a dictatorship, so Hitler could simply impose his will, whereas America is a Constitutional Republic, so Joe must seduce us to impose his will. Same mentality different strategy.

Joe may say a lot of stupid things, but remember, Joe has been in politics literally his entire life, so he knows how to placate to different audiences. Joe didn’t make this statement at a town hall or debate with regular people, he made this statement at a private event, in a room filled with the rich elite.

Joe is an Authoritarian Elitist with a southern drawl and wandering hands and Not to mention is a monumentally high-grade fudd!

Joe Biden thinks the Second Amendment is only about Hunting. Which is why at the same event he talked about Delaware goose-hunting restrictions that limit hunters to three shotgun shells and said: “We Protect Geese from Canada more than we do people. “

This analogy tells you everything you need to know about Joes Stance on the Second Amendment.

The more we restrict your gun rights the safer you’ll be. i.e. If there’s a shooting where the criminal had 30 rounds, let’s limit your rounds to 5 rounds to make you safer.

Then when there’s another shooting where the criminal had 30 rounds again, let’s limit your rounds to 3 rounds to make you even safer and on and on and on until it’s….. You know what, just turn in all your guns and that will make you super-duper safe.

I told you the whole weapons of war military gun talk was simply a catch-all phrase for all guns because all guns are weapons of war. That’s exactly why we as a people want them because self-defense is a war.

Fighting for the security of a free state is also a war especially when it’s from your own government, which is what the 2nd Amendment is truly about, it’s not about hunting.

People don’t be so quick to give up our Second Amendment rights in an attempt to be like everyone else.

Our 2nd Amendment rights make us unique in that we are one of the very few countries where the people truly do have the power, but we are trying to give it away at a rapid pace for the illusion of safety.

Keep America Tactical

I Am the Militia

I Lost All My Guns In A Boating Accident

The AR is Protected by the 2nd Amendment

If I Only Had One Concealed Carry

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Colion Noir,MrColion Noir,Concealed Carry,

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