
For miles across the skies straight white lines occur. Where is the curvature of the earth? Think!

For miles across the skies straight white lines occur. Where is the curvature of the earth? Think! In this short video I show more chemtrails going across the skies of Reading, UK.
Geoengineering has been occurring for over 4 decades.
Weather modification knowledge goes back a long time, further than you think as you can find the same knowledge embedded within certain tribes across the earth.
The rain dance for example is not just a randomly named thing, with the right rituals or chemicals you can make it rain.
Today all corrupted corporations have now weaponised the weather for depopulation.
We need to come together with truthful knowledge to build a better future for everyone without money.
A great cycle is coming to an end and truth is humanites only salvation to manifest with thoughts, wisdom and knowledge a technologically utopia for all people's.
Push these demons back as it's there time to go back in the box!
Don't go with them like they want you too.
You immortal soul will regret it.


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