
Tulsi Announces She Will NOT Seek Reelection, Is This The END Of her Political Career??

Tulsi Announces She Will NOT Seek Reelection, Is This The END Of her Political Career?? Tulsi has announced that she will not seek reelection in 2020 to the House choosing instead to focus on her presidential run. But the likelihood she wins is slim so what comes next? Is this the end of Tulsi Gabbard's political career?

One interesting affect of the smears following her refusal to endorse Hillary Clinton has been an active conversation with conservatives and moderates who feel disaffected as well.

Many of us used to be fairly far left but were rejected due to refusing ideological positions now being adopted by the Democrats. What happens to the politically homeless after 2020?

Will Tulsi continue a political career, possibly running a third party?

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tulsi,tulsi gabbard,tulsi hillary,tulsi reelection,tulsi 2020,far left,liberal,fox news,tulsi carlson,politically homeless,democrats,2020 democrats,politics,news,leftist,trump tulsi,tulsi third aprty,third party,

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