
Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, which helps to fight free radicals in our body.

Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, which helps to fight free radicals in our body. Not only that, it also controls our blood pressure. Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps your skin and hair healthy. This fruit is also known to be great for eyes, and cures indigestion problems. It’s important to include this fruit in your diet, as the copper content helps to cure constipation, and helps to treat diarrhoea and dysentery.

As they are high in magnesium, they equalise the water balance in our body, which helps in removing acids from the joints and reduces the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. If you feel tired and weak more often than usual, then have this fruit in your daily diet, as the potassium present in it will help to fight muscle weakness.

It is also good for people suffering from anaemia, as it this fruit is high in calorie. And if you want to put on some weight, include this in your daily diet chart. 

Custard apple

 contains natural sugar, and hence make great nutritious snacks and even desserts!

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