
Your Stories Don't Define You Book Preorder Video Promo

Your Stories Don't Define You Book Preorder Video Promo My book is now available for preorder!

If you struggle with the question: Tell me about yourself?
If you have internal messages you can't seem to adjust, or if you know communication can improve your relationships at work and in your personal life, this book is for you.

In the book, I share personal stories that were pivot points in my life, to help trigger your memories to create your own story portfolio.

You can use your story portfolio, and continue to add to it, so you always have an appropriate story to share with any audience.

The best part of creating a story portfolio is the ability to look at your stories for patterns in your life. When you start to recognize patterns of happiness and struggle, and how you might be contributing to those situations, you'll be able to make necessary adjustments to live with intention.

Thank you for purchasing my book, I appreciate your support!

Story,storytelling,professional development,personal development,emotional intelligence,communication,Sarah Elkins,Elkins Consulting,

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