
Desiring E T Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Desiring E T  Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Channeled by Daniel Scranton

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Desiring E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been receiving many requests from those of you who would like to experience more encounters with extra-terrestrials, and we want you all to know that we are investigating all of the different possibilities that lie before you for greater connection between the human collective and the other beings that exist throughout the galaxy and beyond. We know that this is a strong desire for those of you who have never felt at home on Earth and for those of you who have never felt as though you fit in, and we feel much compassion for all of you who fit into one or both of those categories.

However, we also want to remind you that the shifting energies that are upon planet Earth at this time require you to all to embrace where you are. You are still the creators of your reality, and you can of course create your own personal experiences with e.t.s, but you also have to be patient with the rest of the collective. So, when you have that desire for full and open contact, please know that it’s going to happen when everyone is ready for it, including those who live in abject fear of an attack from an e.t. race.

How you help yourselves and humanity to be ready for e.t. contact is by working through your own fears, working through your anger, your hate, and even your sadness. As you process anything that is of a lower vibration, you send out that signal to the rest of the galaxy that you are ready for more contact as an individual. And of course, as you work something out within yourself, you send out a signal to all of humanity that shows everyone else how it is done, and you also see reflected outside of you what you have going on within you. As you work on yourselves, and you clear the traumas and the negative emotions that are stuck inside of you, you do create a version of the human collective that does the same and that inches ever closer to full e.t. contact.

There are plenty of wonderful beings on Earth for you to connect with, and when you do, you also show a readiness for more connection with more beings, beings who happen to come from places other than planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Galactic,Federation,Light,ascended,master,ufo,2012,glasson,pleiadian,arturian,archangel,angel,channeler,channelling,lightworkers,salusa,st.germain,Michael,New World,montague,lisa renee,arcangelo,jesus,saul,Monique Mathieu,ovni,federazione,galattica,2018,malachia,Julie Miller,Scraton,Méline Lafont,John Smallman,Suzanne Lie,gattoaladino,ashtar sheran,Shelley Young,Higher Self,Family of Light,galaxygirl,goldenageofgaia,Peggy Black,

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