
Your Value Proposition (Probably) Sucks + 5 Ways To Make It Better

Your Value Proposition (Probably) Sucks + 5 Ways To Make It Better Be sure to download Marc's incredible e-book on "25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goal!" Just go here to get the e-book instantly:

Let's face it, most organizations' value propositions are terrible, and it's not because what the company offers isn't of value. It's because what most companies say about themselves is almost identical to what their competitors are also saying about themselves.

Whatever our value proposition is; it can't be like everyone else's. We have to flip the script entirely. So, in this video, I'm going to show you why your value proposition probably sucks and five ways to make it way better.

Make Your Value Proposition Better Tip #1: stop talking about how you're different (because you're probably not).

Telling a prospect how we're different is not going to accomplish anything. Instead, we need to as sales reps behave differently in the conversation. So, next time a prospect asks what makes you different or why should I do business with you, instead of rattling off all of the ways that you're different or what makes you so great, instead say something like, "You know what, George? "I appreciate your asking me that, "and quite frankly at this point in the conversation, "I'm not sure that you should do business with us. "I'm not sure that we will be different "or that right solution for you. "Would it be okay if I asked you some questions "to find out what's going on, and then I can tell you "how we might be able to solve some of those problems?" The prospect is now going to say to themselves, "Whoa, this person is different. "They're behaving in a way that is entirely distinct "from all of the other reps." Because you're not likely to say much that's different, but you can behave in a different way.

Make Your Value Proposition Better Tip #2: drop the fancy buzz words.

Take a look right now at your company's value proposition. Do you see words like unique, or innovative, or game-changing, or high-value? Whatever buzz words that we're hearing a lot of right now, if you hear words like that, that is immediately going to cause the prospect to tune out. When a prospect hears a word like unique, that immediately has the ironic impact of actually them saying, "Oh, these guys are actually "like everyone else." So, what we want to do is drop all of the fancy buzz words from that initial value proposition and instead get to the point.

Make Your Value Proposition Better Tip #3: provide insight into their world.

Throw in a couple of the common challenges that you're seeing organizations like them facing that you solve, and now you're providing insight. And so, it's not about all of the benefits that your company offers but instead the challenges that you're seeing that you can help them ultimately solve. Providing insight is going to completely flip the script on what they're seeing.

Make Your Value Proposition Better Tip #4: discuss the challenges you see in the industry.

So, this is building off of the last idea around providing insight. So, to give you an example of the way we might start a conversation at the Sales Insights Lab, it might sound something like this. Right now, we're seeing a lot of clients in your industry that is dealing with reps that are getting beat down in price. They're being treated as just another vendor, or lastly, they're seeing a lot of their reps that are struggling to maintain quota. Do any of those issues ring true to you? And so now what we're doing is instead of focusing on us, we're focusing on them and engaging them in a conversation.

Make Your Value Proposition Better Tip #5: close with a question.

Lastly, I always close with a question. By closing with a question, I'm opening the conversation in a very low-pressure way that's going to engage them in a conversation, and it's tough for them to not respond to that. So, we're going to ultimately close with a question like, "Do any of those issues "ring true to you?" And that's how we're going to suck them into that conversation. So, it's not about a value proposition at all. Instead, it's about actually sharing that insight, identifying a couple of crucial challenges, and then closing with a question. You do this; you are going to stand out from your competitors by completely flipping the script. You're going to be doing the exact opposite of what your prospects expect.

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