
What is up with my shower? (Read Description)

What is up with my shower? (Read Description) This has been happening since I moved into my house around a year ago and it’s only keep getting worse. All day and night it does this, and sometimes the noise is so loud it wakes me up. I started to get a leak from our kitchen ceiling (which is directly under our bathroom) and I couldn’t grasp why. But I figured that because this was happening, every time it released a burst of water it was getting blocked for the pressure of the shower hose, so every time I finish having a shower I have to unscrew the shower and since then *touch wood*, we haven’t had a leak since. But now this noise is getting to the point where it is just unbearable! I am going to get my complete bathroom renovated in the summer but I was wondering if there was a quick fix to this, even just to ease the noise a bit or something I need to look out for when I get a new bathroom.

Thanks for taking your time to read this, hopefully there is a solution out there!

Thanks in advance,


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