

PROFESSION TO RELIGIOUS LIFE!! NOVITIATE 2018!! Holy Ghost Fathers! The Spiritans! The Congregation of the Holy Spirit! Congregação do Espírito Santo! Shirika la Roho Mtakatifu! Fr. Tarimo Justi as the master and Fr. Lazarus Gomes his assitant led the event in the presence of the church and of His Lordship Bishop Banzi Anthony who graced the day! Accepting the call on 16th of June 2018! A total of 19 young, gigantic, holy men, in their full conscience, without any artificial force but the fire burning inside them decided by the help of the Holy Spirit to respond to the voice of their Creator! The call that calls against all calls! The call against the cultural tides! The roots! In opposite direction of the waves! They now embrace life in a special bus " THE CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" that witnesses Christ all over the world. In all continents, Spiritans are found evangelizing to the poor! May God who called you to embrace Him continue guiding you all in the whatever mission you are undertaking and in your discernment journey to the holy table with Christ. And may the Spirit aid the entire congregation of Holy Ghost Fathers in its mission of saving souls for Christ! Viva Spiritan Missionary Congregation!!

Magamba, Lushoto- Tanga, Tanzania is the responding ground for Eastern African!!


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