
PharmaNxt Distributors Registration - 1 lakh chemist search items, substitute & Suppliers [English]

PharmaNxt Distributors Registration - 1 lakh chemist search items, substitute & Suppliers [English] Opportunity for distributors to get registered and increase thousands of customers

Daily 1 Lakh searches for distributors, and will increase upto 3 lakhs soon!

PharmaNXT free drug information helpline feature enables the Chemist or Retailers to online search the distributor of the medicines or its substitute and view its complete salt details.

Through PharmaNXT feature, the distributors can view the latest MRP, Packing, strength, and Manufacturer etc. of the medicine in a single click. Also, on the basis of the location, the retailer can view the nearby location of their distributors with its complete details.

For further detailed information kindly watch the video, subscribe to Marg Tutorial YouTube channel and press the bell icon to stay updated with our latest videos or you can also contact us.

Book Demo: +91 9999 999 364

Help line: +91-11-30969600, +91-11-66969600



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