
Legalizing abortion doesn't make it safe ft. Kristan Hawkins | #TruthStraightUp

Legalizing abortion doesn't make it safe ft. Kristan Hawkins | #TruthStraightUp If abortion is illegal, won't dangerous, illegal abortions just increase?

This is a common argument from pro-abortion activists, and the answer is that of course some women will still seek abortions.

But this isn't really what they're arguing. Pro-abortion advocates believe that if abortion is legal, more dangerous abortions will put many more women in harm's way. This is a myth.

Planned Parenthood's own medical director admitted that 90% of doctors performing illegal abortions pre-Roe were physicians in good standing with the medical community. Prior to Roe v. Wade, the number of deaths from illegal abortions was fewer than 500 per year according to Planned Parenthood's own statistician.

Even setting the actual numbers aside, when else do we decide that because something is dangerous, it should be legal? The fact is, abortion is always wrong simply because it ends the life of a unique, human, pre-born child.


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If abortion is illegal, will illegal abortions increase? Probably, as some women will still seek abortions, but that's not really the argument that the Left is making.

When you hear people make that argument, what they're saying is, "We have to keep abortion legal because dangerous abortions will take place if it's illegal." That is actually a myth.

What we know is that in 1959, Planned Parenthood's own medical director admitted that 90 percent of those committing abortions were physicians in good standing with the community. The number of pre-Roe v. Wade deaths from illegal abortions for women was actually fewer than 500 per year. That's from Planned Parenthood's own statistician.

Just because something is dangerous, doesn't mean it should be legal. Bank robbery is a very dangerous profession, but we didn't legalize bank robbery because bank robbers have a high mortality rate.

The fact is abortion is always wrong for the simple reason that it ends the life of a unique, human, pre-born child.


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