
Close the Seller

Close the Seller Get Deals Over The Phone
Got Leads? Now What? This is how you call your seller leads. Cold Calling? No Problem... Just a text lead? Great! This conversation map works for every seller in every situation!


3 Things to Remember:

1. Free Step by Step Wholesaling and Wholesaling Lease Options Training Modules, Tools, and Agreements are 100% Yours at

2. Facebook Live Q&A WEEKLY (Saturdays 10AM CST, also on the Facebook Group - Replays Youtube 7PM). Bring all your questions! Find us at


3. Justin Offers 1-on-1 Mentoring... Call 816-875-6961 or visit to schedule a free consultation.

This is REAL real estate investing training! If you want to grow in your knowledge and develop a real estate business and BE a real estate investor, learning to wholesale real estate is an excellent and affordable (no money method) of getting started! We show you step by step!

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