
Aloe Vera, This Is A Medicine Plant Everyone Deserves To Own

Aloe Vera, This Is A Medicine Plant Everyone Deserves To Own #aloevera #antibacterial #dentalplaque

This is a medicine plant everyone deserves to own. You can make your own shampo, lotion and soap with Aloe Vera in it. When you separate the babys there can be som cut's or soars on the mother plant or so let it heal for at least 24 hours before you plant them in new pots. I use a mix of reugular plantsoil, perlite and sand. I got 11 new plants from my Aloe Vera and they are going to get babys on there own so I'm gonna have a lot of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is also a medicinal herb because it is antioxidant, antibacterial, it can also accelerates healing of burns, reduce dental plaque, treat canker soars, reudce constipation and it can also lower blood sugar levels. They say that Kleopatras secret cosmetic was Aloe Vera.

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Disclamer. I´m self-educated in medicinalherbs/medicinalplants and I've been growing medicinalplants for 12 years now. I make my own medicine from plants in my garden and I make videos which plant I use to what sickness or illness I get. Sometimes I will show and talk about toxic herb, but that is not for medicine but for educational purposes. I have a huge interest in sow, grow and harvest the plant. And when I make medicine with the herb I grow, I will tell you how to grow that plant, when to harvest it, which part of the plant you can use and the benefits of that plant. All the medicine I make I use myself. All I show and talk about is from my own experience and gut feeling. I hope you enjoy this.

#herbalism,#growherbalife,#health,#herb,#medicine,#medicinalplants,#flowers,#medicine plant everyone deserv to own,#lotion,#cosmetic,#plants,#annika,#baby,#medicalherbs,#antioxidant,#antibacterial,#accelerate healing of burns,#reduces dental plaque,#helps treat canker sores,#reduces constipation,#lower blood sugar levels,#kleopatras secret cosmetic,#Aloe Vera,aloe vera uses,aloe vera,medicinal plants,medicinal plants and their uses,aloe vera plant growing,

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