
World's first head transplant a possibility in 10 years, says ex-NHS expert

World's first head transplant a possibility in 10 years, says ex-NHS expert Bruce Mathew, an ex-NHS neurosurgeon, believes head transplant between two individuals could be possible in next 10 years. So far scientists looking into it considered severing the spinal cord but Mathew believes the entire spinal cord would need to be transferred along with the head. He said advances in stem cell transplants, robotics and nerve surgery could make transplants possible. #sutathu,#worlds,#headtransplant,#nhs,#technology

bruce mathew,ex-nhs neurosurgeon,head transplant,spinal cord,mathew,entire spinal cord,stem cell transplants,nerve surgery,World s first head transplant a possibility in 10 years says ex NHS expert,

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