
The 'Demographic Time Bomb' That's Facing America Right Now

The 'Demographic Time Bomb' That's Facing America Right Now Americans are having fewer babies. Far fewer babies.
In fact, Business Insider reports the US fertility rate has fallen for the fourth year in a row.
This decrease in babies being born could lead to a "demographic time bomb."
That's when a country's young population falls behind the population of older people, straining the country's resources.
Japan, Russia, and Spain are already experiencing its devastating effects.
Last year, Spain put a policy into effect offering free fertility treatment to same-sex couples and single women.
And China repealed its decades-long "one child" law to try and reverse its aging population in 2016.

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Demography,Environmental Social Science,Demographics,Human Overpopulation,Population Ageing,Baby Boom,United States,Japan,Spain,Russia,incentives,national resources,older people,

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