
Martha Speaks Virtually Martha Martha E-mails Herself Scene + Ending Scene

Martha Speaks Virtually Martha Martha E-mails Herself Scene + Ending Scene This video features the Martha E-mails Herself scene and the ending scene from the Virtually Martha episode of Martha Speaks. In the Martha E-mails Herself scene, Martha was trying to get away from the monsters that were a part of Ronald's video game. And when she got to the desktop, she told Helen that she was going to e-mail herself. And so, Martha pushed the attach button, which was an envelope. And then, she pushed the paper clip button to pick which file she wants to attach. And then, she picked herself, and hit the attach button. And then, she hit the "Send" button, and she got sended out of the computer. But it was actually a dream. And then in the ending scene, Martha told Helen about her dream, and Helen was confused that Martha knows all of the computer words, and figured that she must've hear her talking about them to Grandma Lucille while she was asleep. But then, they saw the delivery guy delivering steaks that someone got on the internet. And since the online steaks were in Martha's dream, they realized that it wasn't a dream after all! And also, this video was recorded on the day after Christmas.


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