
Law of Attraction VS Belief Systems Who wins? the BEST way to manifest

Law of Attraction VS Belief Systems Who wins? the BEST way to manifest When it comes to The Law of Attraction VS Belief Systems Who wins? This video I'll reveal the absolute BEST way to manifest. If you'd like to Join The Next FREE Meditation Activation With Me click here:

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

This video I'm going to be showing you who wins when we're looking at belief systems VS the law of attraction. I'm going to show you exactly which route to take and which will make the most profound change in your life. Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you more about understanding how you create your own reality and not only how you create your own reality, but how you can go about making interchange in your own life and many times the missing key to you attracting what you want...

A lot of times what happens is we learn something and then we learn it and then we begin to apply it and then we get a certain result in life. Now what happens is sometimes there are these things that are unconscious that we're not aware of.

And when there's things that are unconscious, we're not aware of, we may be experiencing resistance. We may be experiencing self-sabotage blocks that come up. And all that is, is that's an unawareness of a certain things that are running the show, certain things that are on autopilot.

Now, when the movie, the secret first came out, uh, you know, on the law of attraction, there was this understanding that we create our own reality that we can attract that which we want based on our own thoughts. Now when we're talking about which is more powerful between that of the law of attraction...

Which is that we attract that which we are thinking about, but we could even say that the law of attraction maybe isn't just what we're thinking about, but it's also who we are. I've said before in many of my prior videos that we don't always get in life that which we want because that which we want.

We are vibrationally saying we don't currently have, but it could be that it's we get in life that which we are, we get in life, we get in life that which is equal to who we are, who we are showing up as the story that we tell ourselves about who we are, the consistent thoughts, feelings and emotions we have and we change at that level.

That's when reality really begins to change. So you can think of a Lamborghini all you want. You can think of a relationship all you want, but do you believe that you deserve a Lamborghini? Do you believe that you deserve a relationship? Are you the kind of person that is giving an exuding a certain amount of love that then people want to be a rep? Are you the kind of person that adds so much value into the world that people are willing to give you an exchange?

The abundance back to where then you could go and be the kind of person that has something called a Lamborghini? You see these are, these are our shifts that make all the difference. Now, here's the thing. If you don't believe you deserve it, if you don't believe it's possible for you, then you won't experience it anyways.

No matter how much you want to attract it, no matter how much you focus on it, and I've experienced a lot of resistance before when, especially early on when I was learning about the law of attraction by just focusing on certain goals. Here's something I realized though, I used to have that nine to five job selling women's shoes at Nordstrom's.

I first learned about the law of attraction. I started to get better results almost immediately. I started realizing, well, if I focus on these certain goals, if I focus on having a certain goal of like a, you know, selling a certain amount per day, you know, I went in every day you start at zero cause it's a commission-based job.

I got a percentage of the amount of shoes that I sold and every day I'd start at zero and I would go in and I would see a direct correlation between what I was thinking, feeling, and experiencing. Now a huge change happened when I made this one little shit. What I realized is every day I would go into work and the, the top sales employees from the day...

Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

law of attraction,the law of attraction,belief systems,belief system,law of attraction VS belief systems,aaron doughty,aaron doughty belief systems,beliefs create reality,thought creates reality,manifestation,manifest,Law of Attraction VS Belief Systems Who wins? the BEST way to manifest,the best way to manifest,how to manifest,belief system meditation,manifestation meditation,raise your vibration,enlightened manifestation,reality creation,parallel realities,

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