
If you aren't Manifesting What You want STOP trying and instead do this

If you aren't Manifesting What You want STOP trying and instead do this If you aren't Manifesting What You want STOP trying and instead do this. To calibrate your current vibration and receive a personalized meditation click here:

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

This video, I'm going to show you how if you aren't manifesting what you want, how to stop trying and exactly what to do instead that makes everything so much easier. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you what to do instead of trying hard and I'm going to show you the real reason that you may not be manifesting what you want and a lot of it has to do with understanding simply the stories that we tell ourselves about who we are.

Everything In reality, every relationship we have, every way we interact is a story. There's a story that we tell ourselves about who we are. There's a story we tell ourselves about manifestation in general. There's a story that we tell ourselves about how we relate to other people.

There's a story that we tell ourself about how people should act towards us. All of these stories are self perpetuated and the thing that happens is we aren't aware of some of our stories. We aren't aware of our self imposed limitations. This is the thing that changes everything because when you become aware that everything is a story that you tell yourself....

For example, if you're like, Oh, I really want to attract relationship and anytime I get close to a guy or girl, then they kind of, um, they kind of like start moving away from me. Well, the thing is is that's completely a story. It is not inherently true that in reality people gravitate away from you. And that's just the way it works.

It's that way because there's a belief, there's a story that comes first that's being self perpetuated. Now maybe that story came from your parents. Maybe the story came from watching a movie that you began to identify with. Maybe that story was developed at different levels of life. But nonetheless, it is a story that has been self-imposed and we have stories about everything.

The thing is the reason we aren't manifesting what we want is because we hold ourselves in a vibration subconsciously of a story that's not serving us. That's it. It's we tell ourselves a story about how relationships work. We tell ourselves a story about how money works. We tell ourselves a story about what we're worthy of and all it is is a story.

Now, the key to this is becoming free of those stories and knowing that your life can be magical. Your life can happen in a very high vibrational synchronicity type way and the more you let go of your stories, the more you will allow these things into your life.

It makes all the difference in the world. Now, like when you become aware of your stories as well, you'll find that it's something that that reveals to you. A lot of what was unconscious. Some people call that shadow work, but 90% of changing your stories or changing your beliefs, beliefs, and stories are the same thing.

90% of changing your beliefs is just simply becoming aware of it, becoming aware of the belief because then once you see it as a belief, you see it for what it is. It's just a belief and beliefs can be easy to change. You could have a story that beliefs are easy to change and all it requires really is to let go of the belief.

Here's the thing. Many times we have a story that says changing beliefs is hard. I'm going to fall back into the old patterns. This can't be consistent. No, it has to be a lot of work. In order to do transformational work, we have this self-imposed limitation and belief about beliefs themselves, even if it's subconsciously.

We don't believe that change can happen that easily. Now, here's what I found to be even more powerful than trying to change our beliefs about relationships, our beliefs about money, our beliefs about health instead of changing each of these individual beliefs. What I found to be powerful is changing your beliefs about manifestation in general, changing the....

Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

manifesting,manifestation,manifest,law of attraction,the law of attraction,parallel realities,aaron doughty,aaron doughty manifesting,belief shifting,why aren't you manifesting,manifesting shift,how to manifest,raise your vibration,consciousness,thoughts create reality,If you aren't Manifesting What You want STOP trying and instead do this,instant manifestation,manifestation frequencies,bashar,the shift experience,a new earth,stop trying to manifest,karma,loa,

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