
Grand Solar Minimum: What It Is and How It's Affecting Earth; What to Expect In the Future

Grand Solar Minimum: What It Is and How It's Affecting Earth; What to Expect In the Future Multistreaming with

What is a Grand Solar Minimum and what are the effects on earth? Is a GSM imminent?
11 year solar minimum vs. grand solar minimum
Maunder Minimum Temperature Changes
How can sun affect climate?
Cosmic rays increasing as sun’s power wanes
Weaker sun = weaker jet stream
We are already seeing signs of GSM
U.S. has its wettest 12 months on record – again
July 9, 2019 Rain – and plenty of it – was the big weather story in June, adding to a record-breaking 12 months of precipitation for the contiguous U.S. It's the third consecutive time in 2019 (April, May and June) the past
12-month precipitation record has hit an all-time high.
Persistent cold weather in spring 2018 and 2019 in upper Midwest/ northern Europe (areas affected most during Maunder minimum
Early winter weather in upper Midwest fall 2018 and 2019
Record snowfall in many areas winter 2018 and 2019
GSM solutions: Grow your own food, Permaculture, Cool weather crops, Greenhouses, Heirloom seeds, Store long shelf life foods, Learn foraging skills, Develop community awareness

Trent Austin,grand,solar,minimum,

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