
For what appeared to me in my dreams was the voice of the spirit.

For what appeared to me in my dreams was the voice of the spirit. for four performers
daniel allas (2019)
performed by daniel allas, lucy mcknight, nina shekhar, and victoria vasta
(This is a filmic representation of the piece "For what appeared..." In a live performance, a projector and LED lights cast words, images, light, and shadow around the room – alongside live and processed sounds. Performers sit on the ground as they manipulate objects and light sources.)

A note about the piece:
The longer I’m alive, the more I believe in the importance of maintaining a spirit of innocence.
By this I do not mean maintaining naïveté or ignorance. A fulfilling life requires discovering the way things actually are, whether these discoveries turn out to be joyful or heartbreaking – or somewhere in between.
But I also believe there are many forces that work relentlessly to dull the senses, to cast such thorough doubt that despair is the only answer, to kill every innate, child-like impulse until very little hope is left.
Although it doesn’t seem possible to silence these forces completely, I have learned the hollow rhythms of their stories; and, having heard them, I still believe there are other, unheard stories that I want to tell – stories emanating from an innocence maintained, full of the spirit and alive.


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