
excellent video documentary that exposes THE REAL so-called 'Deep State' situation

excellent video documentary that exposes THE REAL so-called 'Deep State' situation "let those who have spiritual ears to hear: HEAR what the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of THE LORD Yeshuah/YahOshahvah is saying to the seven churches..."

This is a short and very excellent video documentary that exposes THE REAL so-called "Deep State" situation, its history, origins, and how it has infested nearly all of the Western World:

The origins of "The Illuminati Elite" can be traced back to the Babylonian Mystery Religions, Solomon and his gross apostasy, Royal Bloodlines, Sabbateanism and Jacob Frank, the Talmud and especially Kabballah/Jewish witchcraft, High Freemasonry, and many numerous occult secret societies, - all of which have THIS in common:
demonic conjuring,
magick rituals,
and use of Media programming and music and "entertainments".

This video is mirrored from this excellent Christian channel:

Full credit is given to the channel of origin. It is an excellent and very informative Christian youtube channel.

len hummel,ENDTIMES,Yahweh,Yahuah,Yeshua,Conspiracy,illuminati,

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