
Choosing To Find The Funny | Adam Carroll's way of dealing with challenging people|scenarios

Choosing To Find The Funny  |  Adam Carroll's way of dealing with challenging people|scenarios It's said that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This video will share with you the strategy of "choosing to find the funny" no matter what is happening in your life. The end result will be significantly more happiness and considerably less stress.

When I was in college I sold books door-to-door for a company called Southwestern Advantage. The company has been around for decades and started just after the Civil War -- soldiers coming back from war needed something to do and SW hired them to sell encyclopedias door-to-door. Over time, the company morphed into a vehicle for college students to make money during the summers as well as get some incredible sales training.

During the weeklong sales school we went through, prior to sending us out to knock on 200+ doors a day, the trainers told us about a book called The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino. We were told to read the book on a daily basis and memorize the "scrolls" that Mandino wrote about. One such scroll was the scroll marked 7: Today I will laugh at the world.

This proved to be one of the most meaningful pieces of advice for me when it came to doing this grueling job. It's also been one of the greatest pieces of advice in just getting through life. Humans are one of the only species that can actually laugh at their own circumstances. So laughing at the world is essentially a coping mechanism when what you want to do is turn your attention to all the negative going on. Today I will laugh at the world is another way of saying, "choose to find the funny".

In this video, I share how I choose to find the funny on a daily basis. Because as the principal at my son's middle school says at the end of every email: He who laughs, lasts.

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Adam Carroll is a highly sought-after speaker and consultant. He works with companies who believe in building cultures that employees LOVE to work for. If your company is in need of a dynamic, change-oriented speaker, look no further.

coping mechanisms,coping mechanism for stress,coping mechanism for depression,finding the funny,Adam Carroll,Adam Carroll Speaker,Adam Carroll Channel,Life Advice,Build A Bigger Life,Inspirational Speaker,Sales Success,Personal Leadership,Personal Advice,

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