
A313 the next greatest thing for anti aging??? Please read info below! :)

A313 the next greatest thing for anti aging???  Please read info below!  :) A313 is a Vitamin A Pommade, a low-percentage vitamin A cream. According to CosDNA and INCIDecoder, it's a combo of retinyl acetate, retinyl propionate and retinyl palmitate. So that means the 0.12 percent vitamin A in A313 is not the same as a 0.1 percent prescription retinoid like Retin-A, which is pure retinoic acid.

The ingredients in A313 are a combo of retinyl acetate, retinyl propionate and retinyl palmitate.

These are the mildest forms of vitamin A, called retinol esters, and they have to go through three conversion steps to become retinoic acid (the active form of vitamin A that can be used by our skin).

Other ingredients are Marcogol, which is a PEG and Polysorbate which is a surfactant and emulsifier often used in foods and cosmetics.

Is this the new "miracle" cream of anti aging? I don't know! I do think if you have very dry skin, it may be another option!

Links with info on A313:

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I ordered this 2 weeks ago and paid $20.00 today its $31.99

A friend purchased this 2 weeks ago for $25, now it's $50!

A313,A313 for anti aging,mature skin,aging skin,mature women,retin A,wrinkles,anti aging,skin care,

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