
2019 LGIA Township Category Winner: Greater Bemidji Area Joint Planning Board

2019 LGIA Township Category Winner: Greater Bemidji Area Joint Planning Board In an area punctuated by lakes, the headwaters of the Mississippi River, and the great northern woods, the City of Bemidji and Northern Township cooperate on comprehensive joint planning, zoning, and administration to turn aside natural barriers and competition between municipalities and townships. Results include enhanced economic vitality and protection of natural resources. The City of Bemidji and Northern Township received a Local Government Innovation Award for their achievement in the Township category.

The Local Government Innovation Awards program is organized in partnership with the Bush Foundation and its Native Nation Building Initiative; and co-sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Minnesota Association of Townships and the Minnesota School Boards Association.

The awards recognize projects in up to five different categories: cities, counties, schools, townships, and Native nations, which recognizes collaborations between tribes and a local government entity. One entry in each category is named Leading Innovator.

A panel of judges considered submissions for their creativity, sustainability, and collaboration. The five Leading Innovators for 2019 received a grant from the Bush Foundation to continue their work, and a professionally produced video to use for marketing and awareness. The Leading Innovators in the city, county, and school categories received a $5,000 grant. The Local Government and Native Nations Collaboration Award Leading Innovator received a $10,000 grant.


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