
We Don't Have A Free Market! Tax Receipts Reach All Time Record, Regulation, and Spending Baloon

We Don't Have A Free Market! Tax Receipts Reach All Time Record, Regulation, and Spending Baloon Economic collapse news November 4, 2019
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Today we examine the free market and what people say about free market... First off we don't have free markets, A central bank actually can't exist in a truly free market place because the intention is to centrally control the issue of money supply and creation. Next we look at the growth of taxation, regulation, and spending vs the growth of population between 1968-2019 and discover these are all growing much faster than population. Tax receipts just reached an all time record high. Many would like to blame our current plight on the free market these people just don't like free-markets and seem to be ignoring this truth. Our problem is too much government and not too little.

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