
The Best Retro Handheld Under $60 - The Pocket Go 2

The Best Retro Handheld Under $60 - The Pocket Go 2 AliExpress (Play Go $59.50):
Retromimi ($59.99):
Spare BM20 Batteries:

This is probably the most anticipated review of the year and it's been in development for the better part of two months. I recently got my hands on a production unit from the newest batch of Pocket Go 2s and I've been dying to finally cover this device with an in-depth review. The Pocket Go 2 has been sitting on the sidelines while other devices from this era sell around the world. As we head into the end of 2019, we have our last contender in the 3.5-inch retro handheld space.

60 FPS Test: (coming soon)

Disclaimer: This review includes affiliate links. Anything you purchase from those links helps support the channel.

Pocket go,Bittboy,Pocket Go 2,Miyoo Max,Play Go,LDK,RG350,Retro Emulation,Retro handheld,emulation,retro gaming,Pocket Go 2 Review,Taki Udon,Retro emulation,handheld emulation,gba handheld,ps1 emulation,pocket go emulation,pocket go 2 emulation,pocket go 2 test,miyoo max review,gaming,retro device,GKD 350h,bittboy,pocketgo,

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