
Puerto Rico Representative Submits Bill For Puerto Rico Statehood; Says Vote Will Be Held Regardless

Puerto Rico Representative Submits Bill For Puerto Rico Statehood; Says Vote Will Be Held Regardless Puerto Rico's Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez Colon introduced a bill today that essentially binds the U.S. Congress to admitting Puerto Rico into the union as a state if the people of Puerto Rico vote for statehood in an upcoming plebiscite planned for November 2020. Supporters says it's long overdue. Critics says, with the current political climate, and ongoing corruption issues as well as bankruptcy process, it'll never happen. Gonzalez-Colon is committed to seeing this through and believes the time has never been more right to address Puerto Rico's unequal treatment as a territory which belongs to the United States, but isn't a part of the U.S.


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