
Prone Swimmers

Prone Swimmers “Prone Swimmers”
๐ŸŠ‍♀️ No this movement is NOT just for swimmers! This exercise is a great bang for your buck movement! We are strengthening the neck, shoulders, middle back, lower back, and hips all with one exercise!
1️⃣ Prone Swimmers Elevated: First begin this exercise with a superman by lifting both arms and legs up while keeping a chin tuck. Then slowly oscillate by elevating one arm and the opposite leg then alternate. Keep your elbows/knees straight throughout this exercise, also avoid allowing your arms/legs from touching the floor. This exercise is already challenging as is, however you can place a band around your hands and feet if you would like to challenge yourself further! Tag us if you can perform the variation shown here!
2️⃣ Prone Swimmer: With this variation you can rest the arm and leg that are not working on the floor.
๐Ÿ”‘ If you feel like you can’t avoid arching your back try keeping your core engaged or slightly tuck your tailbone before lifting your leg. If still having difficulty, rotate your feet outward by externally rotating your hip. This tweak has helped some of my patients find their glute’s instead of their low back.
3️⃣ Bird Dog On Swissball: If you are having difficulty lifting your arm overhead at this end rage position or activating your glutes at 0 degrees of hip flexion, try this variation. We have numerous posts on the bird dog exercise + many variations if you are looking to challenge yourself here prior to jumping into the prone swimmers. Thanks for reading and let us know what you think of these below!

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