
Jeremy Corbyn: The Corporate Controlled Media & Fake News

Jeremy Corbyn: The Corporate Controlled Media & Fake News Full speech here:
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LSE Research | Jeremy Corbyn and the Press

Academics from LSE's Department of Media and Communications analysed the mainstream media representations of the first few months of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour party. This research found that Corbyn was disproportionally attacked and delegitimised. This occurred amongst others by distorting his views, through scorn, ridicule and personal attacks, by associating him with communism and terrorism and by denoting him as a dangerous individual.

The authors of the study consider that this type of attackdog journalism of the leader of the main opposition party in the UK is highly problematic from a democratic perspective. Especially as more recent research has confirmed that this personalised viciousness has continued throughout his leadership, including during the current general election campaign. For further information and to download the full report please see:


Our report found that 75% of press coverage misrepresents Jeremy Corbyn – we can't ignore media bias anymore


Jeremy Corbyn,Boris Johnson,Brexit,General Election,Free press,corbyn media bias,Murdoch press,2019 General Election,Mainstream media,Murdoch,Rupert Murdoch,Corporate controlled media,

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