
'자신을 믿으세요' - 동기부여 영상ㅣ한영자막

'자신을 믿으세요' - 동기부여 영상ㅣ한영자막 *구독과 좋아요 눌러주세요
*오역, 의역 있습니다

페이스북 :
각종 문의 :

- Voice -

Federick W.Smith (페드릭 W.스미스)
Gary Vaynerchuk (게리 바이너척)
Jordan Peterson (조던 피터슨)
Isaac Lidsky (이삭 리드스키)
Eleanor Longden (이리너 롱덴)

- Music -

Whitesand - Eternity (No copyright Music)

- Footage -

Video Blocks


1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
2)This video is also for teaching purposes.
3)It is not transformative in nature.
4)I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

Huge mistake.

You don't want the same thing your friends want

So why the fuxx do you care what they have?

Number one mistake so many people make is they care about what other people have.

I don't give a fuxx what anybody has.

If I have more if I less what does matter?

I worry about myself.

The fact that you're worrying about other people's acoomplishments is already a losing formula

You need to get rid of that first then you can focus on yourself.

So the fact that you care that one year later you do your thing

what you loved and decided that you want but you weren't successful.

and your friend got a job and now he's got a little bit more money that bothers you.

I'd built a forty five million dollar business in 4 years and was still paying myself forty thousand dollars.

no fancy car, no fuxxking watch, no fuxxing bling bling.

because I knew what I was doing it for right?

you're worried about way too many short term goals

when your mouth says that you want big time goals.

The reason I never lost confidence is

because I never believe that the consequences of losing as bad as some other people might have thought.

and I was very very very sure that what were doing was extremely important

and was destined to be successful.

and they begin to get focused on something

and they believe in the idea or themselves far beyond what they probably should.

Fear replaces the unknown with the awful.

Now, fear is self-realizing.

When you face the greatest need to look outside yourself and think critically,

Fear beats a retreat deep inside your mind, shrinking and distorting your view,

drowning your capacity for critical thought with a flood of disruptive emotions.

When you face a compelling opportunity to take action,

Fear lulls you into inaction.

Hold yourself accountable for every moment, every thought, every detail.

See beyond your fears. Recognize your assumptions.

Harness your internal strength. Silence your internal critic.

Correct your misconceptions about luck and about success.

Accept your strengths and your weaknesses, and understand the difference.

Open your hearts to your bountiful blessings.

Your fears, your critics, your heroes, your villains they are your excuses,

rationalizations, shortcuts, justifications, your surrender.

They are fictions you perceive as reality.

Choose to see through them. Choose to let them go.

You are the creator of your reality.

With that empowerment comes complete responsibility.

I chose to step out of fear's tunnel into terrain uncharted and undefined.

I chose to build there a blessed life.

It means that there's no excuses whatsoever for not getting up and getting out.

It even means that when people are beset with the catastrophe

that they are prone to use that as an excuse for not going about the business

that they should be going about because they can say to themselves well I would except.

and except there's always good reasons.

What do you fear?

What lies do you tell yourself?

How do you embellish your truth and write your own fictions?

What reality are you creating for yourself?

In your career and personal life, in your relationships,

and in your heart and soul, your backwards-swimming fish do you great harm.

They exact a toll in missed opportunities and unrealized potential,

and they engender insecurity and distrust where you seek fulfillment and connection.

I urge you to search them out.

Helen Keller said that the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

We are unique.

We are irreplaceable.

What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away.

The light never goes out.

"Don't tell me what other people have told you about yourself. Tell me about you."

성공일기,동기부여,동기부여 영상,2019 동기부여,2019 동기부여 영상,동기부여 자막,동기부여 번역,동기부여 한영자막,한영자막,2019년 동기부여,2019년 동기부여 영상,성공일기 동기부여,동기부여 연설,

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