Mehndi has a very special place in our hearts because of its simplicity and unique nature. A simple mehndi design can be achieved by using a cone that can be held like a pen to draw designs we like, but what many don’t know is that decades ago applying mehndi was a different story. In the olden times, the fresh leaves of mehndi were ground by women and applied freshly on the hands of a new or to be a bride because of its staining properties and auspicious nature.
'Henna', also spelled as 'Heena' is believed to be as old as more than 9000 years old. Nowadays, It is universally used  for bridal make up, body art etc. Mehendi, which is another name of Henna was derived from Sanskrit word 'mendhika'.
These 3 are not the only names of Henna., although it is more known as Mehendi and henna which are spelled in different ways. Did you know the synonyms of henna? Check these out:
Synonyms of 'Henna'
Smooth Lawsonia
Jamaica Mignonette
It is called by different names in different countries. Below are country wise names of Henna.
Indian names of Henna
Punjab : Hinna, Mehndi, Nakrize, Panwar
Sind : Mendi
Bombay : Henne, Mendie
Gujarat : Medi, Mendi
Bengal : Mehedi, Mehndi, Shudi
Henna in different languages
English : Camphire, Cypress Shrub, Egyptian Privet, Henna Plant, Jamaica Mignonette, Mindie, Tree Mignonette
Hindi : Hena, Mehndi, Mhindi
Sanskrit : Dvivranta, Kokadanta, Medika, Mendhika, Nakharanjaka, Nakaranjani, Ragagarbha
Persian : Hina, Panna
Arabic : Alhenna, Henna, Henneh, Hinna, Yoranna
Hebrew : Bapar
Chinese : Tche Kia Hoa
French : Alcana D'orient, Alkanna d'Avicenne, Alkanna d'Orient, Henné, Racine à farder, Thomarhendi d'Avicenne, Troëne d'Egypte
Spanish : Henne
Marathi : Mendhi, Mendi
Ragangi, Ranjaka, Sahshara, Sugandhapushpa, Timira, Yavaneshta
Urdu : Mehendi
Bhote : Simru
Tamil : Aivanam, Aivana, Korandam, Kurandagam, Kurinji, Pidai, Ponninpuvalamarudondri,
Marudondri, Mayilainandi
Malayalam: Mayilanji, Pontalasi
Burma : Dan, Danbin
Cambodia : Krapeu
Swahili : Muhanoni, Muheni
Teluga : Goranta, Gorata, Gorinta, Krommi, Kuravakamu, Maida, Pschapeddagoranta
Canarese : Goranta, Gorante, Goranthu, Korate, Madaranga Central Provinces: Mehndi, Mhendi
French Guiana : Réséda de cayenne
Greek : Kypros
Hausa : Lalle
Belgaum : Iswan
Sinhalese : Maritondo
Konkani : Meti
Las Bela : Mehndi
Malay : Inai
Woloff : Foundenn
Mundari : Bind, Bindi, Mindi
Indo Chana : Chi Gaip Hoa, Khao Thien, Kao Youak, Kok Khao, Krapin Kupin Tue, Mong Tay, Mong Tay Nhuom
Santal : Mihndi
Phillipines : Cinamomo, Cinamomo Del Pais
Rajpunta : Mehendi
Lambadi : Bhurara
Uriya : Mehendi, Mendi, Monjuati, Olota, Rongota
Tulu : Madirengi