The Texture Synthesis Addon by Jose Conseco provides us an interface to access the Texture Synthesis Software from within Blender. The texture Synthesis is described as: a non-parametric example-based algorithm for image generation.
What can we do with it? Here a few examples;
- Generate a variation of an image
- Make an image seamless
- Provide a few examples of clouds, grass etc and Texture Synthesis makes a variation of it.
- Inpaint. That is to fill in missing parts.
- Use guides (masks) to generate variations. For example if you want to have two doors instead of one.
- Style transfer. For example project a face in coffee-beans. It's a little bit more than just multiply or overlay.
Discussed in this video:
00:00 Introduction
02:13 Single variations
05:33 Tiling Textures
08:27 Reduce Tiling
09:30 Multiple Example Generation
13:24 Style Transfer
15:50 Installation of the addon and Texture Synthesis