Slender – The Arrival follows the story of Lauren as she attempts to find her friend Kate. Upon arriving at Kate’s childhood home, she hears Kate’s scream and sets off into the woods to find her, all-the-while being hunted by the supernatural figure known as Slender Man.
Inspired by the Creepypasta Internet meme created by Eric Knudsen (Username Something Awful, or alias “Victor Surge”). Slender Man is a fictional supernatural character depicted as thin, elongated, unnaturally tall humanoid with a featureless head and face and wearing a black suit.
Stories about him often include; stalking, abduction and truamatization.
About Slender – The Arrival:
• So often are we guided by out devotion, our love, our affection. A bond that pulls us down paths not bargained for. And when you find yourself alone as HE casts out that bedevilling gaze… How far will it carry you?
• Armed only with a torch, this limited defense forces a sense of dread and helplessness over the player with the best means for surviving is to run!
• Beware Slender Man’s gaze! When the supernatural figure is near, the players camera will begin to succumb to electronic distortions including, static and blurred vision, color spots and audio disruptions.
Thanks for joining us on (what we hope to be) our first Halloween Spoopy Special!
You may have heard of Slender Man through the pop culture osmosis, read the stories, seen the movies or even played the game yourself! And we’d love to hear your own stories involving the Slender Man in the comments below!
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Name: Slender – The Arrival
Developer: Blue Isle Studios, Parsec Productions
Publisher: Blue Isle Studios, Midnight City, Majesco Entertainment
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Steam, Nintendo Switch, Wii U
Release Date: March 26, 2013