
Dr Kay Fairchild The Mind Brain Connections# 49 (10 Fatal facts of belief in a sinful|adamic Nature)

Dr Kay Fairchild The Mind Brain Connections# 49 (10 Fatal facts of belief in a sinful|adamic Nature) Join Dr. Kay Fairchild as she shares our identity. She brought up the fact that there are 10 fatal facts that fly in the face of believing that we came here with a 'sinful nature' and an 'adamic identity'. (#1) If one believes that they have a sinful nature, then when they are involved in behavioral sins as a result of sin (or mistaken identity), they see it as a MISFORTUNE rather than a CHOICE; therefore it takes away from their admittance of wrongdoing and they excuse themselves, stating that they were 'made that way' or that they 'could not help it' or 'after all nobody is perfect'. (#2) Since sin/sins have consequences, it makes the individual think that they deserve empathy rather than being at fault, therefore they often do not take responsibility for their mistaken identity or their actions. (#3) One will make excuses for their sin/sins if they believe that they have an inborn sin nature. (#4) It makes God responsible for sin/sins to believe that people were born with a sin nature. Luke 1:15 states that John was filled with the spirit from his mother's womb, and according to Matthew 11:11 he was the least in the kingdom of God. There is no sin nature involved in being filled with spirit from birth. (#5) It is a stumbling block for pre-believers to believe that we were born with a sin nature and cannot help but have sin/sins in our life. Creation is looking for the manifestation of the sons of God, rather than a people of excuses. (#6) It contradicts what is written in scripture. We must see the 'big picture' rather than pulling out verses making them say what we want them to say. (#7) It makes people think that Jesus had a sin nature, since some believe one can only be tempted because of having a sin nature and an adamic identity. (#8) Believing in a sin nature is to think that after Adam partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil mankind was no longer in the image of God, yet Genesis 9:6 states that man was in the image of God, which was written after the fall. I Corinthians 11:7 records that man is in the image and glory of God the Father. James 3:9 states that man is made after the similitude of God. Acts 17:29 records that man is the offspring of God. (#9) Believing we have a sin nature or ever had a sin nature is taking the name of the Lord in vain. One of the meanings of the word 'name' is nature, and there is only one nature. In Philippians 2:9 it states that his name is 'above' every other name, but the word for 'above' in Greek is 'instead'. In other words, there is no other name or nature. There has only ever been one nature. (#10) It promotes a sin consciousness to believe that we came here with a sinful nature. One of the beliefs among 'grace' and 'finished work' proponents is to get beyond sin consciousness, yet there is no greater sin consciousness than to think that we came here with a sin nature and an adamic identity as most still do.
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Dr Kay Fairchild,Bible,Christ,Christ Mind,Awareness,Truth,Love,Life,the Way,God,Holy Spirit,Spirit,Revelation,Identity,religious false concepts,sin,sinning,reveal,mindset,It is Finished,flesh,born again,kingdom of God,sinful nature,adamic nature,

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