This is not to be confused with HBO Max, Warner Brothers' new streaming app that upgrades HBO's content with Warner Brother's large library of movies and series, including paying TOP DOLLAR for both Friends and The Big Bang Theory.
Netflix also just swooped in to pay a fortune for 4K streaming rights for Seinfeld. But what's all this mean for our wallets??! What's it cost to have all these services, and which ones are worth it?? Andy Signore breaks them al down, as of 9/17/19 to separate Disney+ from Apple+ to Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix and CBS All Access...
Which services will you pay for extra? Do you want original content or licensed content? Chime in below!
@PopcornedPlanet is the new unbiased home of Andy Signore, the wrongfully canceled creator of ScreenJunkies, Honest Trailers, MovieFights, Man At Arms and more. You can learn about Andy’s journey here:
Andy posts Videos Daily & Goes LIVE Every Wednesday 9PM EST with the interactive series #FanDumb
He’s currently working on an interview series titled Hugging The Cactus, as well as a documentary, all detailing the dangers of Cancel Culture which you can learn more here: www.uncanceled.com
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