
The Bright Side of ToshDeluxe (Ending All Drama)

The Bright Side of ToshDeluxe (Ending All Drama) Some people dislike bombed the video during the premiere with dislikes without watching it. People dislike without watching the video and that already says enough ;)

Ending it all. Watch the entire video.
READ ALL: The video was longer than I expected, but this took a lot time, editing and research for this to have the end results as it does now. All of the context that was left out on their video on each individual subject, has taken me a lot of time to find with the complete backstory.

This is a response video to the serious allegation video that was posted recently. I've seen many jump to conclusions faster than I expected, but hope this all clears it up. Give it time to watch it all.

If there are any edit errors, I apologize, I edited this in a day.

This video will not be monetized.

Discord ➚
Conclusion (Not everything mentioned):

➚ The pedophile topic has absolutely nothing to do with me, they only dragged my name into it in attempt to damage my reputation. Making false accusations like this could lead to legal actions for name damaging on purpose.

➚ Twingy was banned and blocked right after enough evidence was found against him, this investigation was done by myself. Flamez didn't provide enough. Twingy kicked from our private Whatsapp Squad group back in 2017.

➚ You can't buy unbans anymore (or unblacklists) because I feel like it's a more proper change to the server, but I never represented it as something YOU had to buy in order to get unbanned. Being able to appeal is a thing and none of them included that in their video. If you get blacklisted, it truly is over now.

➚ EVERYONE is getting unblocked and unbanned from Twitter and Discord; You get one last chance to redeem yourself. If you wish to continue to act the way you do, that's up to you, but consequences will be made.

➚ I reposted a harmless GD meme by Envy with his watermark on it (already giving him credit) and I got heat for ''supposedly'' stealing it by over 30 people storming into my twitter mentions (hence why I blocked all of them). I never stole anything and that wasn't my intention. Being able to repost GD memes by the community should be completely allowed without getting backlash for it.

➚ I never raided any server, my server was raided.

➚ The N-word situation was taken out of context to make it look like I directed it at someone.

➚ I apologized to people in situations where I felt like it escalated way too far.

➚ Envy GD meme tweet repost removed, Roimousti level video descriptions reverted.

➚ Nobody got doxxed, the people involved leaked their own names and nationality.

Glis himself never felt like he was doxxed, we are friends.

➚ Chelley and I made jokes every now and then and she always played along, not stating that she felt uncomfortable, ONLY after/during they uploaded the video on me.

➚ We condemn server raiding and can't ban any user under the age of 13 without evidence. Not even once have we protected users under the age of 13 to be in a Discord server.

➚ Riri, Chelley, Motix, Merphes (O SAPHIA) were the most disliked users in my Discord server. All of them have been banned at least once and some of them are blacklisted users, giving them a reason to take revenge on me for banning them for their toxic behavior which they didn't agree with.

➚ I have a satirical sense of humor, that's how I talk, the people in my server including my friends know this the best.

Scardian (Demon) video (original comment):

● Discord ➚

Thumbnail by [RS] Faris:

Video edited by me.

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