
Spanish pop singer, 30, is killed by a firework as special effects go wrong during a live show 0

Spanish pop singer, 30, is killed by a firework as special effects go wrong during a live show 0 This is the horrific moment a performer with a Spanish musical group suffered fatal injuries after being struck by a pyrotechnic device during a show.

The Super Hollywood Orchestra, which has 15 members including singers, musicians and dancers, was performing in Las Berlanas in Avila last night.

While the group were on stage one of the singers, named locally as Joana Sainz, 30, was 'hit in the abdomen' with the firework special effects device.

She was rushed to hospital after the incident with severe injuries but later died, reports paper El Norte de Castilla.Video from the event shows at least nine performers on stage, dancing with the loud music.

Suddenly sparks appear from two pyrotechnic devices at the front of the stage and the one on the right appears to explode.

Ms Sainz then falls floor as her fellow performers rush to try and help her.The performance was suspended after the incident, which occurred shortly before 2am this morning.

At the time of the performance, about 1,000 people were next to the stage in an esplanade behind the town square.

The 112 emergency service confirmed the accident happened at 1.49am and about 25 minutes later the ambulance arrived. The medical service attended to the singer at the scene before she was transferred to the Avila hospital in an unconscious state. A doctor who happened to be in the audience also helped.

Witnesses said they heard a very loud bang and then saw the singer lying on the floor of the stage before the curtain was quickly lowered.

'There were two rockets, one that went in the right direction and the other hit the singer in the abdomen,' said one man.

The government of Castilla y León has confirmed the tragedy. The Super Hollywood Orchestra had been hired to close a fiesta in the small town of Las Berlanas.

This year, the venue had been changed because of the large number of people attending.An investigation has opened to determine the cause of the accident. At this stage, it is believed to have been some sort of failure in the mechanisms of the special effects used during the show.

A spokesman for the 112 emergency service said: 'A call was received to report an incident in the verbena of Las Berlanas (Ávila), where, a pyrotechnic device has exploded on the stage of the orchestra and a woman, belonging to the orchestra, has been injured and is unconscious.

'The Civil Guard and medics were alerted. She was attended to at the scene before being taken to the Ávila Healthcare Complex.'

The municipal corporation of Las Berlanas posted a tribute to Ms Sainz on their Facebook account this afternoon.

They said: 'We want to pay our condolences to the family of Joana, the girl of the super Hollywood group that yesterday passed away, as well as to her group mates.

'R.I.P Johana Sainz. You are in our memory.'


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