
Destiny's controller layout is FLAWED but an Emote Wheel would fix it.

Destiny's controller layout is FLAWED but an Emote Wheel would fix it. Ever thought your abilities cast too slow? Only every played on a console/controller? I have your answer. And I bring more questions. To which I give more answers.

Destiny on console has always just seemed like it's missing some stuff. I think we get caught up in the clear difference in framerate, and other things like graphics and load times, that we don't look at the game's core and wonder what is REALLY different between console and PC. Pondering among this and hearing about Cross Save coming, I logged onto PC a few months ago. Having played massive amounts of crucible on console I was well versed in Destiny's sandbox and was intrigued as to see what kind of advanced plays PC players would make, and how they would make them. I found that they could make these advanced plays not because of how superior a keyboard and mouse is to a controller but because there are numerous design flaws Bungie had put in to how a controller plays Destiny.

Hope you enjoyed!

The forum post about the issue from August 2018:

Sami Glitch,Crucible,animation,anime,destiny,Destiny 2,Destiny New Light,Shadowkeep,console,ps4,xbox one,broken on console,console broken,pc,steam,october,release date,news,pc vs console,comparison,advantages,improvement,new update,PvE,raids,strikes,Xbox,controller,

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