
Day 22 - HONOUR FATHER & MOTHER - 40 Days of Teshuvah 2018

Day 22 - HONOUR FATHER & MOTHER - 40 Days of Teshuvah 2018 10 Commandments: Exodus 20:12 “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Day 22 of Teshuvah

The Meeting started with the Shofar Blast to call YHVH's people to repentance, then we had 5m of worship, followed by 5m of meditation in Elohim's Word and finishing with 5m of prayer for Teshuvah.

Classically, Teshuvah is comprised of three ingredients: regret of misdeed, decision to change, and verbal expression of one’s sins. Technically, whenever one sins, one is mandated to do Teshuvah.

We are going to prepare for our Wedding with the Lamb of God, to be without spot or wrinkle when the Great Shofar will be blown and we meet Him in the air for our Wedding.

Lets Get Ready Bride Of Yeshua!!!

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Messianic,Beit Kodesh,YHVH,Hebrew Roots,Sabbath Fellowship,Honour Father & Mother,Honor Father and Mother,Exodus 20: 12,10 Commandments,40 Days of Teshuvah,Day 22nd of Teshuvah,Returning to God,Returning to Elohim,Yiskah Bat Yerushalayim,House of Holiness,

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