
Charlotte Gerson: I never had a mammogram and did not have health insurance since 1956.

Charlotte Gerson: I never had a mammogram and did not have health insurance since 1956. Charlotte Gerson (27 March 1922 - 10 February 2019), of the famed "Gerson Therapy" was a natural healing pioneer. Ms. Gerson lectured and wrote a number of best-selling books that have been translated to many languages , such as "The Gerson Therapy" book. Charlotte Gerson lived to the age of 96 and died in her home in Italy.

Charlotte Gerson (Gerson Therapy) never had a mammogram, and Ms. Gerson canceled her health insurance when she was age 34 , in the year of 1956.
( from the documentary film "The Gerson Miracle" )

In this video, Charlotte Gerson was 82 , which was shot in the year 2004.

Charlotte Gerson (Gerson Therapy), daughter of the pioneer holistic physician Dr. Max Gerson, talked about why Ms. Gerson, at age 34, canceled her health insurance plan, with all the toxic prescription drugs.

A key component of Gerson Therapy is a diet consisting of:
- 2 liters (2000 ml) of freshly made carrot juice daily
- raw fruits and vegetables
- coffee enema
- vitamin and supplements : Vitamin C, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B-12, CoQ10, etc.

Dr Max Gerson has the same view of Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, that the body is a complex organism capable of self-healing, given the proper raw materials (nutrition) and detoxification (removal of toxic build-ups in the body) .

"Drugs never cure disease."

"Drugs make a well person sick. Why would they make a sick person well?"
( quote by Abram Hoffer, MD PhD )

For more information, please see:

"Dr. Lorraine Day" - former surgeon of UCSF - University of California San Francisco
"Abram Hoffer"
"Orthomolecular medicine"
"Andrew Saul"
"Norman Walker juicing"

The end of an era has come for the Gerson Therapy. It is with a deep sense of loss and sadness that I have to announce the passing of Dr. Max Gerson's last living child, the iconic Charlotte Gerson. Charlotte passed away peacefully at her daughter's home in Italy yesterday at around 3:30pm PST at the age of 96; six weeks short of her birthday March 27th. Charlotte will be remembered for her undying love and dedication to her father, his legacy and, most importantly, the incredible gift he left behind for humanity in the Gerson Therapy. I had the incredible honor of living with Charlotte Gerson for two months, at her home in San Diego, twenty years ago this month where she invited me to study all her father's handwritten files of all his active patients up until his death in 1959. Being one of the few people in the world to have ever laid hands on those files, it is a memory that will always be counted as one of my most memorable. The one thing that always impressed upon me most about my time with Charlotte Gerson, as she shared incredible anecdotal and intimate stories of her father's life with me, was her deep love of her father. Being the youngest of Dr. Max Gerson's three children, she was the only one who took on the burden of carrying on her father's work as she would, literally and happily, be at his side learning the therapy even as a little girl. It must not be forgotten that, until yesterday, Charlotte Gerson was the longest living survivor of the "Gerson Therapy" as her father cured her of advanced tuberculosis when she was just 12 years old and at a time when Tuberculosis killed over a million people throughout Europe. One can only imagine the depth of love and gratitude carved in Charlotte's heart for her father and his work. No doubt that was the driving force behind the last 55 years of her tireless dedication to educating the masses on the most powerful therapy, in medical history, for the treatment of advanced disease. I wanted to be a chiropractor since the age of 11 years old. Charlotte, when you walked into New York Chiropractic College that weekend in October 1996 to tell us about your father, you changed the course of my life forever. You not only opened my eyes to the Truth about disease, but opened a Pandora's box of everything that is going on around us. It is for that I will always be eternally grateful. I'm feeling a deep sense of sadness and loss as I write this; not only for myself, but for what the world has lost as Dr. Gerson's last living progeny has left us. I can only imagine the meeting that is taking place in heaven right now. Thank you for everything Charlotte. I will continue to do my best to carry on your father's legacy as you did. Always tough shoes to fill.

Dr. Patrick Vickers
Director/Founder Northern Baja Gerson Center

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