
Why You Don't Have More Subscribers | Successfully Growing on YouTube for New and Small YouTubers

Why You Don't Have More Subscribers | Successfully Growing on YouTube for New and Small YouTubers You filmed, you edited, you uploaded and after all that hard work it feels like you have nothing to show for it. We’ve all been there but don’t worry. Let’s look at the most common reasons why your channel hasn’t grown to its height.

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vv Common Issues vv

Not Enough Time
I know! It’s frustrating when the numbers don’t magically rise but that's because it's going to take time. Most of the people that you watch now took 1-2 years to get the audience that they have now. Keep learning and don’t freak out when you’re not getting the numbers that you want immediately.

Not Enough Content
Platforms with search engines like YouTube need to know that your channel is the channel to recommend for people's problems on a specific topic. Create more and niche content and make sure that your keywords, titles, description, and tags are attracting the audience you want.

Low Content Value
You may have so much content but if it's not valuable to your audience then they're not going to want to watch. People go on YouTube for a reason: to be entertained, to learn, to think...They don’t go on YouTube to watch some random person doing random uninteresting things (unless it hooked onto the YouTube Recommended algorithm) and they're especially not going to watch content with unhelpful information.

Look at your videos. What are you giving people? And are you being clear in your titles, graphics, description, and video about what you are giving them?

If you’re not sure then make a video where you are explicitly solving a problem that you already learned how to solve. It’s a good chance that’ll be a video that begins to give you the numbers that you want.

Confusing or Lost Value
I mentioned delivery in that last tip. You could know exactly how to solve a person’s problem but if the delivery is unstructured, you’re just rambling, or there are technical issues (loud music, shaky camera) then your value is lost. Ask someone what they got from your video and how your delivery could be improved.

Weak Hooks
It’s important to grab your potential viewer’s attention quickly and continue to the reel them in before you let your amazing content do the work.
Titles, thumbnails, and the first few seconds are very important. Make it clear in these what value you are giving and be persuasive! As you potential viewer gets closer to your rich content, you'll want your potential viewer to be thinking, “Interesting. Tell me More.”

Not Studying Your Analytics
Earlier we said how important it is to give these platforms the data that allows them to know who to show your content to. Now they’re giving you data in return and saying, "Here’s what I discovered. Adjust accordingly."

Your analytics will tell you who your audience is, what they like and don’t like, where they will stop watching your videos, and it’ll even give you content ideas. So...adjust accordingly!

I know the YouTube life is long and unrewarding for sometime but if you stick with it and keep learning you will be successful.

Good luck fellow small youtubers :)

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