
The festival 'Tauris - ART' has ended in Crimea

The festival 'Tauris - ART' has ended in Crimea The first in Russia festival of creative associations “Tavrida-ART” solemnly ended in the Crimea in the Sudak area. During the day, the participants organized a massive costume art procession, and in the evening gathered at a gala concert in honor of the closing of the Tauris. In total, more than 800 events took place within the framework of the festival, in which more than 45 thousand people took part.

According to Lukyanchikov, young artists depicted mountains, Crimean landscapes, flowers, symbols of unity and friendship. He noted that all the elements organically interwoven into a single picture.

At the same time, the second record was set by the participants of the KVN quarter, who organized the largest “brain storm” for writing jokes, in which 56 screenwriters and comedians participated at the same time.

Records were registered by experts of the Russian Book of Records.

“Both records are very symbolic and convey the atmosphere of the festival. Everything here is built on the joint creativity of the participants, ”said Lukyanchikov.

Earlier, Channel Five reported that jazz musicians performed at the Tavrida-Art festival in Crimea.

The first in Russia festival of creative associations “Tavrida-ART” solemnly ended in the Crimea in the Sudak area. During the day, the participants organized a massive costume art procession, and in the evening gathered at a gala concert in honor of the closing of the Tauris. In total, more than 800 events took place within the framework of the festival, in which more than 45 thousand people took part.

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"Tauris-ART"축제는 크림에서 끝났습니다

창조적인 협회 "Tavrida-ART"의 러시아 축제에서 첫 번째는 수닥 지역의 크림에서 엄숙히 끝났습니다. 낮에는 참가자들이 대규모 의상 예술 행렬을 조직했으며 저녁에는 Tauris의 폐회를 기념하여 갈라 콘서트에 모였습니다. 이 축제의 틀 안에서 총 800 건 이상의 행사가 열렸으며 이 곳에서 45,000 명 이상이 참가했습니다.


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