
Teacher Talk with Jenn Cherry: Faculty Game of Games

Teacher Talk with Jenn Cherry: Faculty Game of Games Are you on the social committee at your school? Having a hard time coming up with an idea, let me help! This is a parody of Ellen's Game of Games.

Game #1: Last One Singing
Have 4 chairs placed upfront. Select four participants. The participants are given a word, they need to put that word into a song or use it in a song title. If it is done correctly you can ding a bell, if it is incorrect honk a horn. Players get two strikes and they are out. On the first strike, they lose their chair. As a standing player, if they miss again they are out. When a player messes up, a new word is issued. All players need to sing a song with the same given word.
Example: Given word "Baby"
Player #1: Rock a bye baby in the tree top
Player #2: And ever since the day you put my heart in motion, baby I realize that there's just no getting over you (Amy Grant)
Payer #3: ??? Honk the horn, that is a strike!
New word: Given word "Red"
Player #4: Red, red wine goes to my head
Player #1: Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith
Player #2: Red and Yellow and Pink and Green
Player #3: ???? Honk the horn, that is the 2nd strike. Return to your seat.
Players are issued another given word. Keep going until you have a winner. The winner will advance to the last round and play, "Dance, Dance, Chair."
Possible song words: happy, sugar, blue, mountain, old, night, river, bye, dance, man, love, down, etc.

Game #2: Sugar, Sugar
Pick 5 contestants to bravely come up to be blind folded taste testers. Before you blindfold the contestants they need to pick an envelope. You can blindfold your contestants using a traditional bandana, or you can paint the outside of goggles and glue on googly eyes. Prepare small snack bags with 3 candy samples per contestant. Each contestant will sample a candy and state their guess. 2 strikes and they are out. The winner will advance to the last round and play, "Dance, Dance, Chair." If multiple winners, use rock, paper, scissors.

Game #3: Steady Does it or Steady Hands
Place the child's game Operation under the document camera. Two contestants are give ONE MINUTE on the clock to see how many items they can pull out of the patient. ***I neglected to say that in the video.*** If they hit the buzzer on the patient twice, they are out. If both contestants are successful, or fail miserably, you can use rock, paper, scissors to determine the winner. The winner will advance to the last round and play, "Dance, Dance, Chair."

Game #4: Oh Shipwrecked!

Chose 4 contestants. They will answer a serious of multiple choice questions, the answers will be in various locations in the room. You can only have one person at each answer. If a contestant answers the question incorrectly, they are lovingly sprayed in the face by a spray bottle. First contestant to answer 3 multiple choice questions correctly is the winner and will advance to the last round and play, "Dance, Dance, Chair."

Pick questions that relate to your school but aren't necessarily well known.
1) How many times did the cafeteria serve tater totes as a side last month?
2) What was the name of the very first principal who opened the school?
3) Approximately how many books are in our school library?
4) On an average school day, how many times does the school bell ring?
5) On an average school day, how many hot lunches are served in the cafeteria?
6) How many rungs are on the monkey bars on our playground?
7) What is our total number of faculty and staff members this school year?
8) In what year did our school open?
9) How many faculty and staff members this year have a "Jj" in their first or last name?
10) What is the school phone number?

Winners Round: Dance, Dance, Chair
All the contestants have been picked because they won a pervious round. This game is a combination of a dance off, mixed with musical chairs, mingled with pin the tail on the donkey. The contestants are blindfolded. To keep the participants safe and inbounds you will need 10 helpers to create a perimeter. Using 10 pool noodles, the helpers will each hold a pool noodle forming a rectangular perimeter. Blindfolded contestants are in the area of the rectangle, when they hear the music they dance their heart out. When the music stops, one Kindergarten chair at a time will be placed inside the area of the rectangle until there are 3 chairs with 3 bums on them. The human without a chair is removed from the game. Perimeter people gently nudge participants with pool noodle to keep them in bounds. This pattern repeats eliminating one contestant at a time until a winner has been chosen.

Hot Hands:
Ellen's contestants pick a category and are then given 30 seconds to name as many people as possible. Categories could be: Faculty and Staff from 1980, Faculty and Staff from 1990, Faculty and Staff from present school year. Have a powerpoint slide show ready to go, see how many names contestant can name in 30 seconds.

Happy Faculty Party!
Jenn Cherry


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