
—Reiki For Confidence In Self & Divine Gifts—

—Reiki For Confidence In Self & Divine Gifts— Today’s transmission will assist you with confidence in your unique individual expression & in the gifts & talents you were given by the Divine. Each & every one of us is given gifts & talents that are perfect for our Divine expression. This will also help you discover those gifts if you’re not yet aware of them. Confidence in your Divine expression is imperative. If you spend your time trying to fit in or doing what makes you “cool” or “popular” or “fit the construct”.... this only takes you further from the Truth of who you are. It is important not to do ANYTHING just for the approval of others. We have to do what feels good & in alignment with WHO WE ARE. Wearing masks will make you miserable & unfulfilled. So just be You, the Divine created you, as you, for a reason. Have faith in that. :)
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Twitter: we__are__divine
Instagram: we.are.divine
As always thank you for tuning in and showing any support. I am forever grateful ❤️


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