Make sure to check us out every Sunday at 9pm est. for our weekly Sundays Skewed Stream w/ Sholm & Sons. Its an hour long stream where we work on a new design while talking & showing off 3d goodies.
We kicked alot of butt last year & had alot of fun. Now lets see what we can do this year. Thank you for taking this journey with us.
We are also on gumroad where we list cutup/slicedup props, heres few links of sweet prop files
our Thanos sword
our Red Queen Sword from Devil May Cry
our Blade of Olympus from God of War
our Glass Axe from Skyrim
our Heirloom Kunai from Apex Legends
our L-Star EMG from Apex Legends
we have many other sweet easy to print props on gumroad, check it out.
links to couple of recent thingiverse uploads
our version of noisy cricket
Men In Black (MIB) - Noisy Cricket (no supports) by A_SKEWED_VIEW_3D
our version of the Avengers Logo Medallion / Coin link
We hope you're enjoying our designs, if so please make sure you subscribe and ring that Bell as we have a lot of content coming out this year.
We'd like to know what you think on our designs, please feel free to leave a comment on any of our videos, we try to reply to all.
You can find our designs on thingiverse. You can follow us on Twitter too @ A_Skewed _View3d.
Remember if you need any 3d work done be it design, modeling or printing just contact us.
Thank you again for checking out our designs and have a wonderful day. God bless