
Overcoming Overwhelm & Productivity Hacks with Suzanne Paulinski | EP 52

Overcoming Overwhelm & Productivity Hacks with Suzanne Paulinski | EP 52 Episode #052: Overcoming Overwhelm & Productivity Hacks with Suzanne Paulinski

Joining us today on the Savvy Musician Show is Suzanne Paulinski who is going to talk to us about something we’ve all experienced in trying to catch up to our fast-paced schedules – the feeling of being totally overwhelmed. Suzanne is a mindset coach for music professionals, particularly those who battle with anxiety around making their busy lives run smoothly while also trying to raise a family and advance their music careers. It is not easy, but everything is figure-outable! In trying to get down your work-life balance, Suzanne talks about time management, goal setting, time blocking and sometimes just breathing and giving yourself permission to take time out. We also discuss why we as people inherently fear success, how to avoid the shiny object syndrome and the paradoxical role that structure and routine can play in giving you artistic freedom. There is a lot of really helpful insight coming out of this episode, so be sure to tune in!

Key Points From This Episode:

Suzanne's niche in the music industry outside of being a performer or manager.
Using time management and goal setting as gateway terms to deal with mental health issues.
The widespread sense of overwhelm and the pressure to be an expert in multiple fields.
How Suzanne enables clients to organize and declutter their mental space.
Reducing the overwhelm by differentiating between micro and macro tasks.
Why we fear success more than failure and learning to celebrate the small wins.
Batching tasks of similar mental focus together rather than switching from one to the other.
Staying focused and avoiding the shiny object syndrome.
Navigating feelings of resentment and guilt regarding family and making time for them.
The role of a schedule, being adaptable and learning to live in the mess.
Why time blocks and boundaries can be adjusted, but shouldn’t be deleted.
And much more!


“I have them just mind dump onto a piece of paper because writing, taking pen or pencil or paper is very effective and it just unlocks certain pieces of your brain.” — @RockStarAdvo [0:10:51]

“As humans, we don’t respond to vagueness. When we see something that’s big, we just avoid it. Getting as specific as possible with your to do list can be really helpful.” — @RockStarAdvo [0:14:09]

“No matter what team you have or what label signs you, the buck still ends with you.” — @RockStarAdvo [0:19:10]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Suzanne Paulinski —
Marie Forleo —
The War of Art on Amazon —

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Leah McHenry

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