
Making the RIGHT DECISION can be COSTLY but so WORTH IT!!

Making the RIGHT DECISION can be COSTLY but so WORTH IT!! Making the right decision can be costly but so worth it. I Kendall Todd talk to you about making right choice and how many times there is a cost, but it is so worth it. Many times people may criticize you for doing what is the right thing to do. Sometimes it may be friends and family who are not believing in you. Many times people know the right thing to do in life they may have gotten all the advice they need, they may have the skills that they need and they may be ready to move onto the next phase of life they may be ready to get a better job and then maybe ready to get rid of an old relationship and get into a new relationship, they may be ready to move, etc. But many times people might stay in a situation they shouldn’t be in just because they don’t want to deal with the cost to get rid of the old and get on with the new when they know they should. My friends if you want to succeed in life if you want to get ahead in life and many times have the right marriage, have the right girlfriend, have the right boyfriend, I have the right husband, have the right home, move to the right location, live in the best neighborhood that you know you should, and have the right car, many times you may have to make a decision that is costly, and there may be some initial pain but the end result is so much worth it. It’s so much better to make the hard choices and get rid of bad friends and get new friends. It’s so much better to get the right girlfriend, it’s better to get the right boyfriend, it’s better to get the right husband, it’s better to get the right wife it’s better to get the right job, and it’s better to have the right boss, its better to start your own business if that’s what you know you’re supposed to be doing. Many people may know they’re supposed to start your own business but they may not want to quit their job and start their business they may be scared of losing that weekly paycheck. Many times people have to take risks. It is important to be sure that you know what is the right thing to do and then to confidently do it even if it is costly. Many people may keep friends that are a bad influence on them because they don’t want confrontation they don’t want to deal with it. I encourage you to go for it, be all you can be, go start that new business, get married to the right spouse, get the right boyfriend, get the right girlfriend, go get your dream job, go to college, do what you know you should be doing and don’t worry about the initial cost when you’re doing the right thing it’s all worth it. My friends I encourage you go for your destiny. Don't let anything get in the way of your purpose. Everyone has a specific purpose given to them by God, I encourage you to find out what is your purpose, why are you here, what are you supposed to do and go for it. Ask God to help you to do it.
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Inspiration,Life coach,Motivation,Motivating,Know what to do,Inspire,motivational speech,motivational speech for success in life,motivational speaker,life coach training,decision making skills,decision making,decision making process,make right choices in life,inspirational speech,inspirational video,motivational video,know what to do about you,inspire uplift,life coaching,Kendall Todd,good life,do your purpose,destiny,succeed,success in life,right choice,

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