
Fighting Game Conundrum: Is the tier list a guideline, or the rule book?

Fighting Game Conundrum: Is the tier list a guideline, or the rule book? If you've ever felt like you simply can't overcome the "Hump" between where you are and where you want to go competitively, it is likely that the old advice of "Just practice and go to Events" isn't really the solution you need. I suggest you take a step back and look at how you've gotten to this point from the ground up; Its my assertion that you will realize how backwards the FGC is,and how flawed our old mentalities have become.

We will start with the question; If the Dev's build "top tier" characters and "low tier" characters intentionally why should you ever be told to "Pick what you love?" Simply put, competition isn't about loving your tools. Its about using the best tools.

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Fighting,Game,Community,FGC,Philosophy,FIghting Game Philosophy,Street,Fighter,SFV,LaSwagga,Tutorial,Nash,Sucks,Though,For,Real,Buff,HIm,

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